Our cleaning staff are the best!
Did you know that most holiday accommodation providers hire contractors to clean that are paid a fixed fee per clean? Not so at Las Rias! All of our cleaners are valued staff members who get paid by the hour, not by the clean.
We believe that this is a much fairer approach to our cleaners because they get paid properly for the important work they do. We pride ourselves on presenting rooms that a neat and tidy for our guests and without the hard work and commitment of our cleaners this would simply not be possible.
We also believe that it provides a better service to our guests because the job done properly and it is not rushed because of the set-fee model.
Providing long-term careers for our cleaning staff and paying by the hour and not on a fixed fee, is just another way that we provide the highest level of service to our guests. It is another way that we are helping guest to enjoy their precious holiday time here at Las Rias.